Shaolin Summer Academy 2016 at Shaolin Cultural Center of Milan

发布日期:2016-07-15   字体大小:   

Waiting for the Shaolin Summer residential Campus at the Branch in Piedmont during the month of August, from 1 to 14 July at the Headquarters in Milan of the Shaolin Cultural Center of Milan--Shaolin Quan Fa Milan was held the Shaolin Summer Academy 2016 with the special summer classes of Shaolin Gong fu,Ying Qi-gong, Tong-zi-gong, martial acrobatic, Taijiquan and Chan Meditation.




Thanks to all participants for their great commitment, interest and determination shown! With the advice to continue training during the rest of summer in order to consolidate to the best all what learned during the Academic Year 2015-2016, Shifu Shi Hengchan and Shi Hengding wish all a peaceful and constructive Summer 2016, always with heart, mind and spirit turned to the Good, on the Way of Dharma.(News/Photo: Shaolin Cultural Center of Milan)


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